Best 12 Month Broadband Deals

By: Jake Mellor
Updated: October 21, 2021
Annual Broadband Offers

Broadband is a utility that has become about as essential as any other utility you use. The internet provides you with a way to work, socialize, research new information, and more.

For those very reasons, a 12-month broadband contract may interest you. Below is a list of some of the best 12-month broadband deals that you can find in the UK.

Best 12 Month Broadband Deals

Shopping for the best 12-month broadband packages shouldn’t have to be a hassle. In this section, you will find 5 of the best annual broadband deals to help you choose the right one.

Now Broadband Fab Fibre

With NOW Broadband, you have the option of choosing between three different 12-month contract packages. Of the three packages listed, Fab Fibre is the recommended deal for plenty of good reasons.

First and foremost, you will enjoy average download speeds of 36 Mbps for just £22 a month. The Fab Fibre deal also offers unlimited downloads, 12 months of anytime calls, and included line rental.

If the Fab Fibre deal is not up to speed enough for you, there is also the Super Fibre deal, which offers 63 Mbps. If you are looking to just casually browse the internet now and then, a slower speed could also work. The Brilliant Broadband deal is just £18 a month for 11 Mbps.

Many broadband companies prefer to charge an activation fee to start your services. Fortunately, you do not have to pay an activation fee for any of the packages you choose through NOW Broadband. There is a delivery fee for the included router, but it is only £5.

Another great feature of NOW Broadband is that you can pay as you go on a 30-day contract, or you can sign up for a 12-month contract deal. Ultimately, you gain the freedom and flexibility of choices that best suit your broadband wants and needs.

Each broadband deal offered through NOW Broadband comes with unlimited anytime calls for the first 12 months. If you are an avid watcher of TV, you will enjoy the value bundles that allow you to watch more of your favorite shows and movies.

As with any broadband company and package, it is important to know the pros and cons of each.


  • Flexible broadband package options
  • £0 activation fee
  • Great speed
  • Affordable price
  • Pay as you go and yearly contract options
  • Unlimited phone calls in the UK
  • Valuable TV bundle add-ons available


  • No known cons

John Lewis Fibre Broadband

Another great option for a 12-month broadband contract is John Lewis. Similarly, to the other broadband companies mentioned in this list, John Lewis offers plenty of bang for your buck. While the speeds they offer may not be the fastest around, the price of their deals is great.

The most popular deal provided by John Lewis is their Fibre Broadband. The Fibre Broadband package offers download speeds averaging 36 Mbps. Although the Fab Fibre deal from NOW Broadband is slightly cheaper, new Fibre Broadband customers will receive a gift card.

The Fibre Broadband package is available for £24 a month on a 12-month contract. Customers who choose this deal will receive a router, a call plan that includes evenings and weekends, 24/7 customer support, and no data caps. There is also no activation fee.

Other broadband deals available through John Lewis include Unlimited and Fibre Extra, though the Fibre Broadband option seems to be the most popular. Keep in mind, however, that there are no TV deals available with John Lewis broadband packages.

Pros and cons of the Fibre Broadband package include:


  • Highly rated customer service
  • £0 activation fees
  • £45 gift card to John Lewis
  • Affordable package pricing


  • Slightly more expensive than NOW Broadband for a similar average download speed
  • No TV deals
  • Pricey inclusive calling costs

Hyperoptic Superfast

If you are looking for faster speeds than what the companies already mentioned have to offer, then you need Hyperoptic. Hyperoptic offers true fibre internet, which gives customers access to speeds of up to 1 Gbps.

Unfortunately, Hyperoptic is not available in all parts of the UK. For those who are within the service area, Hyperoptic is a great choice, especially for gamers and other heavy internet users. Because Hyperoptic is the only true fibre internet, that means they also charge more for setup.

Whereas NOW Broadband and John Lewis do not have activation fees, Hyperoptic charges a £29 activation fee. To help offset that cost, they do offer £0 cost installation and free use of a router.

The Hyperoptic Superfast package is available for just £25 a month, which is good considering you get up to 150 Mbps. Customers also have the option of signing up for a monthly rolling plan, a 12-month contract, or a 24-month contract.

Since the company owns a fibre optic network, customers gain the benefit of free phone line rental. Also, the company promises customers that there will never be any hidden fees, such as raised prices during the commitment period.

Pros and cons of Hyperoptic Superfast include:


  • Faster speeds than other broadband companies
  • Great prices for the speeds they offer
  • Free phone line rental
  • Flexible contract options (rolling monthly, 12-month, and 24-month)


  • Not available in all areas of the UK
  • Activation fee of £29 on most deals
  •  No TV options available

Plusnet Unlimited Fibre

Plusnet is another broadband provider that offers various deals and 12-month contracts. However, some of the best deals the company offers are through their 18-month contracts. That is not to say that the 12-month contract plans are not worth it.

The Plusnet Unlimited Fibre package is like the packages offered by NOW Broadband and John Lewis. Customers will enjoy average download speeds of 36 Mbps for £24.99 a month on a 12-month contract. The service includes line rental in the price as well.

Of the three packages Plusnet offers, the Unlimited Fibre package is one of the most popular because you get the best value for the money you pay. Plusnet charges £10 in setup fees for any new customer who signs up.

Plusnet does offer better prices with their 18-month contract. Also, the 18-month contracts come with a £50 gift card. Unfortunately, the shorter contract lengths offered by Plusnet simply do not add up to the cost-saving benefits and great deals found with the company’s 18-month offers.

Plusnet Unlimited Fibre does have its pros and cons, such as:


  • Highly praised customer service
  • Good average speeds
  • Affordable setup costs
  • Included line rental


  • More expensive compared to NOW Broadband and John Lewis
  • 12-month contracts are not as good as the lengthier 18-month contracts

Direct Save Telecom Superfast Fibre Broadband

Last, but not least, you have Direct Save Telecom, which offers affordable 12-month broadband contracts. Like many of the other deals mentioned, the Superfast Fibre Broadband deal offers average speeds of 35 Mbps.

Aside from good average speeds, customers will also enjoy free line rental, £0 setup fees, and a free wireless router. Also, Direct Save Telecom is often praised for having incredible customer service.

If ever you should run into a problem, all you must do is contact customer service, and they will be more than happy to assist you. Many customers seem very pleased with the way the company’s customer support line handles communication.

If you decide that a 12-month contract is not your best option, Direct Save Telecom also offers month-to-month options. However, a 12-month contract will save you more money since month-to-month often comes at a higher price.

On the downside, some customers complain about the sign-up process with Direct Save Telecom. The company’s website has not recieved updates in recent years. Because it is older and outdated, it is not as user-friendly, which makes it hard to navigate.

Because of navigation issues, customers report having trouble signing up. If you want a 12-month contract with Direct Save Telecom, it might be better to call rather than attempting to use the website so you can avoid unnecessary stress.

Pros and cons of Direct Save Telecom’s Superfast Fibre Broadband deal include:


  • Good average download speeds
  • Affordable pricing options
  • Excellent customer support
  • £0 setup fees
  • Free line rental


  • The website is somewhat dated, which makes it slightly difficult to navigate

12 Month Broadband Deal Buyer's Guide

Now that you know which 5 companies are the best broadband companies with 12-month contracts, it is important to know the ins and outs of a 12-month contract. Here, I will help you understand how a 12-month contract works so you can determine if it is right for you.

Can I Leave a 12-month broadband contract early?

If you think you may have to break a 12-month broadband contract before the time is up, it may make more sense to consider something with a shorter contract length. However, it is possible to leave a 12-month contract early.

However, many broadband providers will charge you a fee for terminating your contract early. The amount that each company charges for early termination fees will vary. The best way to determine if the service you chose is right for you is to read over the fine print.

The fine print will tell you how much the company will charge you for early termination. In most situations, the broadband company of your choice will bill you a set rate for each month that would have remained from the time you terminated your contract.

What types of broadband services are available on a 12-month contract?

When it comes to broadband services in the UK, there are only 3 types of broadband you can obtain from a 12-month contract. These 3 types of broadband are as follows:

  • Standard/ADSL – Only boasts average speeds of approximately 10-15 Mbps. In truth. Standard/ADSL broadband is rather slow, and companies are working toward replacing ADSL with better, more efficient fibre optic broadband internet.
  •  Superfast Fibre Broadband Internet – Superfast fibre broadband is far better than ADSL and offers download speeds up to 66 Mbps. Most homes throughout the UK have this type of internet.
  • Ultrafast Fibre Broadband – Hyperoptic is one of the few companies that provide customers with ultrafast fibre broadband internet with a 12-month contract. Average download speeds range from 100 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps. Keep in mind that your locality affects speed. Ultrafast fibre broadband is not available everywhere in the UK.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of 12-month contracts compared to 18-month or 24-month contracts?

One of the biggest benefits of a 12-month contract is that you save money by signing up for a 12-month contract compared to a monthly contract. However, a 12-month contract is relatively short when you think about it, meaning you don’t have to worry about long-term commitment.

Keep in mind that there are also disadvantages you may face with a 12-month contract when compared to an 18 or 24-month contract.

  • More costly – Although a 12-month contract is cheaper than a monthly contract, you will often find that an 18 or 24-month contract is far more affordable.
  • Fewer upfront fees – Companies that offer 12-month, 18-month, and 24-month contracts will often charge fewer upfront fees for the longer contracts. Some companies won’t charge you a fee at all to get started with a 24-month contract.
  • No extra bang for your buck – With a 12-month contract, you are not nearly as likely to get lucky with free gifts. Should you choose the 18-month or 24-month contract, you are more likely to receive free setup, free activation, free calling, and possibly a gift card depending on the company and the package pick.

Do 12-month broadband deals come with unlimited data?

You are likely wondering if the broadband deals you see include unlimited data. Fortunately, 12-month broadband contracts do include unlimited data. It does not matter how long or short your contract length is since all the fixed-line providers offer unlimited data.

Stop worrying and searching at great length for the words unlimited broadband. Instead, make sure the company you choose offers broadband internet to ensure unlimited broadband use. With unlimited broadband, it does not matter how much you download or upload.

Can I get a 12-month broadband contract with an anytime calls bundle?

Anytime call bundles are available with 12-month broadband contracts, though not every company offers anytime calls. If you need anytime calls to pair with your broadband contract, consider NOW Broadband, John Lewis, and Direct Save Telecom.

NOW Broadband provides anytime call bundles for UK landlines and mobile phones any hour of the day and any day of the week. You do not have to wait for a specific time of day to pick up the phone. Instead, you can enjoy the freedom of calling when you want and need.

John Lewis also offers a calling package, though it is not 24/7 like NOW Broadband. Instead, customers of John Lewis will receive free evening and weekend calls. Evening and weekend calls are free to customers who wish to sign up for a 12-month contract. Inclusive calls cost £6 a month.

Direct Save Telecom also offers anytime calls for customers, though they charge £5 per month. Customers do not receive free anytime call bundles. However, the £5 a month call bundle is available no matter which broadband deal the customer chooses.

Do I need to pay for line rental?

Phone line rental is something customers normally must pay for unless they belong to Hyperoptic or Virgin Media. The good news is that many companies add the line cost into the quoted broadband contract price. In other words, you do not have to pay extra beyond the quoted price.

Can I get a 12-month broadband contract with a TV bundle?

Many customers will find that there are not many broadband companies that offer TV bundles as well. Companies that do offer broadband and TV bundles are rare gems. Fortunately, NOW Broadband is one such company that appreciates a love of TV as much as customers do.


If you are still left with questions, the FAQ below should help clarify the answers you need.

Which broadband provider offers 12-month broadband deals in the UK?

The guide mentions five of the best broadband providers that offer 12-month broadband deals in the UK. The five providers mentioned include NOW Broadband, John Lewis, Hyperoptic, Plusnet, and Direct Save Telecom.

Although each company has similar packages, you will find that there are some differences between each. Carefully read through each option to determine which company might offer the best broadband solution for your needs.

What contract lengths do UK ISPs offer?

ISPs in the UK offer broadband contracts with varying lengths. Most companies offer pay as you go, month-to-month contracts, 12-month contracts, 18-month contracts, and 24-month contracts.

Make sure you read through the fine print of any contract before you sign your name to anything. The fine print can tell you everything else you need to know should any further questions arise. For instance, the fine print can tell you about early cancellation costs.

Final Thoughts

It is normal to have questions or confusion when it comes to picking the right broadband company for your needs. It is even more difficult when you are trying to find a broadband company that you want to commit to on more than a month-to-month basis.

Although committing to a broadband company for 12 months is not nearly as long as 18 or 24-months, it is still a commitment. Therefore, you want to know that you are making the right choice rather than a hasty one.

Each of the broadband companies and the 12-month contracts they offer are great deals. It goes without saying that NOW Broadband is perhaps the best of them all, but each is great in its own way.

If you are looking for fast, truly fibre optic internet created with gamers in mind, reach out to Hyperoptic. If the idea of a simple internet plan with decent speeds and no extra fuss satisfies you, John Lewis, Plusnet, and Direct Save Telecom are all good options.

If, however, you are wanting broadband internet, a phone line, and a TV bundle, NOW Broadband is the way to go. You will be hard-pressed to find another broadband provider that offers as many benefits as possible with no cons like NOW Broadband does.

Hopefully, this guide helped you choose the broadband company and 12-month contract that will work best for your wants and needs.